Basic Hygiene
It was the 18th century preacher, John Wesley, is attribute with saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” While that quote may not be found in the Scriptures, the principles of basic hygiene can be found throughout the entirety of the Bible. The Old Testament Law was even specific in dealing with one’s bodily waste, and even how hands should be washed under running water.
In our modern culture, it seems that a lot of the basics have been set aside. So, we just want to remind parents and students that all kids are growing and developing. As they get into the higher grades, the bodies of the students are maturing toward adulthood. Therefore, we would like to offer the following thoughts on basic hygiene.
- Bath or Shower Daily –– Ok…we know the arguments about “drying out one’s skin.” While that may be a possibility for some, we believe the benefit of less body odor is worth the risk. Most children need parental guidance in this area, because they do not realize that going about daily life, learning and play can cause body odor. The regular usage of soap and water can produce a more environment.
- Brush Teeth Regularly –– In order to prevent bad breath, cavities, and other dental issues, children should learn to brush regularly. A good toothpaste and toothbrush can reduce dental issues.
- Wash Clothing Regularly –– Clothing absorbs the odors from the environment around you, your body, and other sources. Students are to wear uniform clothing that is clean, neat, and without wrinkles. Learning to use an iron is a great life practice.
- Wash & Comb/Brush Hair –– Children need to be reminded that their hair also absorbs odors. Hair should be washed as often as needed to avoid bad odor. For coming to school, the hair should be neatly combed or brushed.
Students who practice good basic hygiene help create a more amiable learning environment. It is also a good and godly example (1 Corinthians 10:31).